Therefore, he preferred to go ahead and die the less painful death of suicide. Paul and Silas were also singing hymns of praise to God while in prison. They can attack businesses, ministries, marriages, finances, relationships, health, etc. The jailer cried out "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?". I encourage all of us to pray with Gods perspectives and desires, setting our minds above. Further, it is in the midnight that serious problems are being addressed or tackled. But Paul cried with a loud voice, Do not harm yourself, for we are all here. And the jailer called for lights and rushed in, and trembling with fear he fell down before Paul and Silas. I lay it all in your hands. Your email address will not be published. 2. Hannah pleaded for a son and received Samuel. He is in control, and he has guaranteed and sealed our salvation. Your Sunday school kids will love this kids ministry lesson on the singing missionaries Paul and Silas as they encounter a rather annoying woman and end up singing in prison, 2nd; 3rd; 4th; Religion; Activities; Printables $ The jailer immediately knew who was responsible for the miraculous release and the fact that no one escaped. Blood of Jesus hide me from my enemies, in the name of Jesus. I decree, that evil arrows is not my lot, so every arrow of loss, go back to the sender, in Jesus name. I refuse to be used as a sacrifice this year, in Jesus name. Most of us work and work for a lifetime. The evil spirit in her was one that gave her the supernatural ability of seeing the future. Then the jailer called for lights, rushed in, and fell down trembling before Paul and Silas. If you must overcome the problems around you and dismantle the operation of the wicked in your life, then you must understand the power of midnight prayers and learn to wake up at midnight to pray. When we look to Christs example, we can see what a glorious savior we have. Take the prayers seriously and you will experience peace, Joy, healing, deliverance from powers of darkness, progress, victory in every situation and good health in your life and family from now henceforth. There is much to learn from the story of Paul and Silas in Jail. Paul helped him to stand on his feet. The enemys mode of operation is usually to shoot their evil arrows while their victim is asleep. 5. He tells them all they need is faith as small as a mustard seed and that is tiny! Paul and Silas in Prison Paul and Silas are imprisoned in the 16th chapter of Acts after Paul commands an evil spirit out of a slave girl that had been following them. How could they praise God in a prison? So its hard for me to confess this to you, but I feel that its something worth sharing, and I feel that its something that God has something to say about. I encourage all of us to pray with Gods perspectives and desires, setting our minds above. All the doors immediately flew open, and the chains of every prisoner fell off! This was the start of the church in Philippi. Psalm 50:5. I feel that Im coming from a place of privilege and I shouldnt be saying these things. Do you know that those that exercise midnight prayers, only return back with attacks? Night raiders, my life is not your candidate, scatter by fire, in Jesus name, Every agent of darkness working against me in the night hours, be exposed by the power of God, in Jesus name, O Lord, send your fire to destroy every evil altar fashioned against me, in Jesus name, Every stubborn evil priest, drink your blood in Jesus name, I withdraw my blessings from evil altar, in Jesus name. When he was about to take away his life out of fear of the Roman Officials, Paul called out that they were still around. But being limited to prayer is not a limitation. I'm also a Sunday school teach A Reflection on the Past Year: An Interview with Scott Sauls, Smelling Your Lunch on a Monday: Witnessing Well in the Workplace. Like Paul and Silas in prison, we can worship and witness in any situation because God is sovereign over every circumstance. A Mature Faith is what you need to obtain your miracle and heavenly blessings just as Paul and Silas. Right away he and all his family were baptized. Through the witness of Paul and Silas to the Philippian jailer and his family, the kingdom of God grew. When we look at another passage where Jesus disciples tried a similar thing and failed, Jesus told them why. Even when he was eventually sent to the lions den, God was with him and shut their mouths, causing Daniel no harm. That is why if a Christian has no spiritual stamina and begins to pray in the midnight, he or she will begin to have serious problems with powers of darkness. He was prepared to die and Paul said dont harm yourself. Paul and Silas knew that even in the most difficult times, they needed to . There was the movement of God. As if this was not sufficient, Paul and Silas were thrown into jail with chains binding their hands and feet. We have detected that you are using extensions to block ads. This month, I and my family shall not die by mistake, in Jesus name. Incredible insight. If you live in sins and you are binding the devil in the night, the devil will be laughing at you. Prayer associated with corporate worship (, It is also interesting that the word "praying" (, ) here in verse 25 means Details about the brutal and horrific conditions for black, "coloured" and Asian political prisoners on Robben Island, which lies just off the coast of Cape Town at the foot of the African continent, are now well known. The spirit of the Lord in your life will give you confidence and power to wrestle against principalities and powers. Contents on this website may not be copied, republished, redistributed either in whole or in part without due permission or acknowledgement. I think that they were able to see that whatever happened to them had served to advance the gospel. To be sure, most of us are not being thrown in jail right now. And when I say that God is sovereign, I mean that he has absolute power, control, and authority to govern it and to use it for His glory. They will flee for their lives. Imagine the scene:A dark prison cell, full of criminals and outcasts listening to songs of praise. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Evangelist Joshua Orekhie with a specific link to the original content. Find more resources and videos here. Trinity Confusion, Did Paul Corrupt Christianity, and Did Jesus Claim To Be God? !" - Prophet TB JoshuaJoin Prophet TB Joshua for this po. The story of Paul and Silas in Prison too place at Philippi. Everyone moving from elders to children are regularly on the go due to their busy schedules. Contents within this website is for only to edifying the body of Christ and solution site to all spiritual problems and registered with government. (1994), Nelson Mandela made a now-famous comment about the conditions in South Africa's apartheid prisons, where, from the 1950s, hundreds of activists in the anti-apartheid struggle were incarcerated for protesting against the white government. Pray for about 1 or 2 hours in the night and you will begin to see revelations and visions of what is happening in the spiritual realm! Silas was one of 15 players with 10,000 points and rebounds after he played his final NBA season in 1980. They clung to the hard-to-understand truth previously announced by Jesus: "Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me" (. Now in jail bloody and chained, Paul and Silas knew that God was with them in that situation so they began to pray and sing. Paul and Silas had songs given to them in the night time of their confinement, while the poor jailer was in agonies, and the magistrates who condemned were sadly troubled. Listen to the Bible: Arise, Cry out in the NIGHT, in the beginning of the watches pour out thine heart like water before the face of the Lord, lift up thy hands towards Him for the life of thy young children, that faint for hunger in the top of every Street Lamentation 2:19. Mandela drafted in his autobiography while jailed in the notorious maximum security prison of Robben Island, where, from 1964, he spent 18 of the 27 years he was jailed by the Nationalist Party for his part in fighting for racial equality and the eradication of apartheid. Spiritual Meaning of Hearing Knocking Many Times, Spiritual Meaning of Hitting Your Toe/Foot Against A Stone, Most Powerful Prayer Points For New year 2021, About Evangelist Joshua Orekhie Ministries, Midnight Prayer From Terrible Dream Attacks, Midnight Prayers Against Enemies Of Progress. Theres so many thoughts and emotions that can keep our minds on situations -Doubt, fear, worry, anger, even complacency and pride. Silas was one of two men (Judas, also called Barsabbas, was the other) chosen by the apostles to accompany Barnabas and Paul on this outing. Paul and Silas know, they probably did not have a physical Bible there in the prison cell, but they were able to recall Gods words to them. The Bible describes night as the hour of darkness when all evils are being perpetuated. But when the men started sleeping and did not do their work of being vigilant, the enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way. Paul and Silas were smack dab in the middle of the will of God. They did and were all baptized. They attack their victims at midnight without mercy and forgiveness. Just make prayer your habit and praying in the midnight your way of life or a habit and you see good things begin to happen in your life and family. Evangelist Joshua Orekhie is a servant of God gifted in spiritual gifts of prayers and dream interpretations. "It is said that no-one truly knows a nation until one has been inside its jails," Mandela wrote. What was it about Pauls prayer that something happened at that moment? They were stripped, severely beaten with wooden rods and put in jail. Although the demon spoke truth about them preaching salvation, Paul could not mix evil with truth by accepting the demons word. Their praises touched God's heart who could not allow his faithful servants in pains under heavy chains within prison walls. She was demon-possessed, and the spirit that controlled her enabled her to foretell the . Please call: +2348099828623. I can say that this is something that God didnt have to do, but he chose to do it out of his own goodness and his grace. Aaron also serves as the Social Media Officer of First Chinese Baptist Church of Walnut in Californias San Gabriel Valley, home to the largest concentration of Asian American communities in the United States. "A nation should not be judged by how it treats its highest citizens, but its lowest ones - and South Africa treated its imprisoned African citizens like animals.". I hope these seven applications give you something to think about. Paul and Silas proved their faith in Jesus as they were in prison suffering because of preaching the word of God and casting out the evil spirits from those who were possessed. I encourage you to find ways to incorporate this truth into your own life. We are looking at all of this here today. God sees our desperation through the sacrifices we make to Him. because they are full of sleeps! He now has eternal life with God in heaven, and he can call Jesus Christ his Lord, Savior, and treasure. Your prayer requests will be looked unto for intercessory. The supreme victory that we have in Christ is manifested through our faith in him. Probably not. This jailer was an enemy to Paul, paid to keep him captive, but Paul showed compassion and tenderness to him. If I dont tell you this and you jump into praying in the midnight because it is in the Bible, you will begin to receive serious attacks that you never imagine in your life. Paul and Silas showed to the prisoners that they have a living God, and they are true disciples of God and through that act, they won more souls to the Kingdom of God because the jailer and his whole family were converted and the prisoners too. O God arise and revive my prayer life, in the name of Jesus. They were going to such a place when a demon-possessed girl was crying out in public about their mission. Paul and Silas ended up in prison because they were being followed by a female slave possessed by a spirit. It is because of our busy world that weve decided to write Paul and Silas summary. When Paul and Silas commanded an evil spirit to come out of a slave girl, her owners were furious and dragged them to court. Upon meeting the Roman Officials, they reported that Paul and Silas were caught in the very act of planting disorder and trouble around the whole city. For more resources from SOLA Conference 2021, click here. Did they "feel" like worshiping? This scripture is very revealing. Imagine the scene:A dark prison cell, full of criminals and outcasts listening to songs of praise. by Jesus Without Language. Prayer associated with corporate worship (. 2. The Bible says, Job 4:20, They are destroyed from morning to evening: they perish for ever without any regarding it.. His website- online ministries are created to teach people how to interpret their dreams with prayers. Did Jesus even claim to be God? That also means that we admit all of our weaknesses in our life. In the same way, I encourage you, as worship leaders, to compose your own songs so your church community can sing them. They sleep but their spirit is always on. Support Grant's Newsletter. 30Then he escorted them out and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved?. Paul and Silas were together by Gods providence, and he put them together so that they could fellowship together in that jail cell. There are levels you can never attain in life without mastering the act of praying in the midnight. and you will be wasting your time. Were going to talk. The jailer and his entire household were saved. At midnight, Paul and Silas were singing hymns and praising God. Sub: How to get to the other side of Midnight. To . At MIDNIGHT, I will rise and give thanks to You, because of your righteous judgments. When all the prisoners were set free, the jailer knew he was in trouble as he did not keep careful watch. It was that God moved somebodys heart to see Jesus Christ for who he is. First, Set one or two days every week to wake up and pray seriously with members of your household. But note: sitting there in the dark, smelly, rat and roach infested dungeon, they bore a strong testimony to the wonderful grace of God. At a natural level great victories have been won when nations were caught by surprise as their armies were asleep at MIDNIGHT. Keep straining toward that goal. They were communicating. You just have to be aware and open to them. He brought Paul and Silas out and said, Sirs, what must I do to be saved? So whatever Paul and Silas were praying and singing, they were communicating the gospel truth. Im going to be reading from the English Standard Version. PRAYERS TO RECEIVE THE POWER OF MIDNIGHT PRAYERS. There was the strong witness of the disciples through terrible difficulties. Power of the Most High, wash out every long term affliction in my life, in Jesus name. They were tired and sore and it was the wee hours of the morning, yet they did not put the matter off until morning. Every arrow of witchcraft sent into my life while I was asleep, tonight, I challenge, you in the name of Jesus, go back and destroy your sender in Jesus name. Really in-depth analysis of the power of prayer. And I can look at all of us, the church, and how God has saved us and chosen us to be a people for his own possession. I love the moments in this passage as each had something happen with an immediate effect, showing the power of prayer. Brethren, I want to challenge you to wake up in the midnight to pray. Setting our minds above looks like: Pauls struggles helped to give strength to many other Christians during his time and ours. What makes the devil to be scared or frustrated over some Christians is because of their great passion for midnight prayer warfare. I need to define some terms here. At once, the evil spirit left the girl and she became quiet. As a result, God immediately sent and Angel of Liberation to free them. O God shock my enemies tonight, in the name of Jesus. In April 2013, Music Beyond Borders reunited a group of former political prisoners from Robben Island to sing their songs of survival. Devil always loves Christians that sleeps and slumbers during battlefield. But if you remember, at this point in the story, Paul has already been converted. God had to wait until midnight to execute judgment on Egypt: (Exodus 11:4-6) Then Moses said, Thus says the LORD: About MIDNIGHT I will go out into the midst of Egypt; and all the firstborn in the land of Egypt shall die, from the firstborn of Pharaoh who sits on his throne, even to the firstborn of the female servant who is behind the hand mill, and all the firstborn of the animals. 4. He would have appeared to be linking the gospel with demon related activities. This isnt just some throwaway phrase. And Pharaoh rose up in the night, he, and all his servants, and all the Egyptians; and there was a great cry in Egypt; for there was not a house where there was not one dead.. Note: the man knew to whom to go. (Judges 16:3) Have you lost anything or anyone very dear to you under mysterious circumstances? All from witnessing Paul and Silas in jail, living faithful lives to God through their prayer and praise. As Christians we are told to look above our situations and that includes our suffering. He saw Jesus on the Damascus Road. I lay my very being in your hands, in Jesus name! Pray seriously against the operations of demons against your family and the Church you attend. From the biblical record of Paul and Silas we learn the value of faithful companions and dedicated servants of the Lord in spreading the gospel. Weve been meeting outside in the parking lotsits been difficult to sing. This prayer points will bring back life to your midnight prayers. These men were losing money because of the preaching of the Word of God and they demanded that it be stopped. Grant Friedland. Do you also know that not many Christians have the full knowledge of the great power in midnight? When the jailer woke and saw that the prison doors were open, he drew his sword and was about to kill himself, supposing that the prisoners had escaped. Praying at MIDNIGHT is a sacrifice that will not go unrewarded. 28But Paul called out in a loud voice, Dont harm yourself, because all of us are here!. Every network of dark power position at midnight to imprison me, catch fire, in Jesus name. Pray with your mind set above Lord, I bless your name for fighting for me sovereignly. Solomon got wisdom from God at MIDNIGHT. I want you to turn your Bibles, if you will, to Acts 16:25-34. Real soldier of Christ never get tired at taking midnight prayers. From heaven, God, a light, gave the jailer life and changed them. DIVINE ADVICE FOR EVERY SERIOUS CHRISTIAN -. I am a slave, a servant, and a son of Christ, and my home is in heaven. All the days of this month and beyond, I shall be protected, in Jesus name. So heres a question for you. Paul was annoyed as her cries were hindering his work. This is the main truth I have for you today. I see three things Paul and Silas did as they found the strength to sing in a worst-case scenario. Lord teach me to praise you no matter what I am facing. Sent to the Philippian jailer and his family were baptized dark prison cell, full criminals! Perspectives and desires, setting our minds above looks like: Pauls struggles helped to give strength to many Christians... Were stripped, severely beaten with wooden rods and put in jail painful death of suicide not! Your life will give you confidence and power to wrestle against principalities and powers the of! 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