Keep in mind that the plant Belladonna, although nicknamed Nightshade, should not be confused with other plants that are members of the nightshade family. (2021, September 20). The smoke contains a "magical quality which removes misfortune from men, animals, fruit trees, and crops.". Upon reaching the age of one month, when several real leaves appear, the seedlings dive into small (7-8 cm in diameter) pots. The name portulaca comes from the Latinportula,meaning "little gate," for the top of the seed capsule that opens like a gate . It feels good on stony soils, with its help you can get a flower carpet, both on flat slopes and on slopes. It can also be used to exorcise negative energies from a place or person. * Some people report that they find it growing from sidewalk cracks or in city parks, but I wouldnt recommend foraging it from there. (accessed January 18, 2023). However, it has great potential to become a new . Image by S.J. Basil can also be used to guarantee fidelity -- or detect the lack of it. From a magical perspective, it is believed that nightshade was used as one of the ingredients in flying ointment used by witches of the past. Run hot water, and allow the steam to spread the deliciously sweet scent of violets. You should not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing any medication or other treatment. If you're a woman, pin a sprig to your shirt to attract men your way. According to Maud Grieve'sA Modern Herbal, there is a saying about catnip: If you set it, the cats will eat it,If you sow it, the cats don't know it. Hello, I'm Clotilde! Note: pregnant women should not take yarrow internally, and it should not be used for undiagnosed bleeding. To get rid of the fungus, the affected parts of the plant are removed, the remaining shoots are treated with any fungicidal preparations containing copper. For understandable reasons, this was not a popular treatment. Hyssop is of Greek origin, and according to Dioscorides, was used in the temples to cleanse the sacred spaces. Some tips from the Brooklyn Botanical Garden: harvest purslane only from places youre sure arent contaminated with lead and other toxins. Although the stems are edible when still young (and can be pickled), cooks usually keep only the leaves and thin, spindly stems at the top, which are simply plucked from the central stem. The leaves themselves, which are flat and paddle-shaped, can be chopped up, seasoned with some lemon juice and salt and pepper, and served either in a salad or with a light summer seafood dish. Add it into a sachet or water to infuse or sprinkle on people in need of purification. It appears in the Icelandic Pharmacopoeias around 1240 C.E., and eventually was accepted for use in western Europe around the mid-1700s. Please note, comments must be approved before they are published, P.O. Purslane is an annual plant that thrives in areas of sunny farmlands or areas with compacted soilessentially anywhere that humans have affected the land. But it's more nutritious when you eat it in the raw state. In Pliny's writings, he mentions that the Greeks and Romans decorated their feasting tables with sprigs of peppermint, and in fact flavored many of their foods with it. In England, it was burned in the homes of those who had died from illness, and placed on coffins before the grave was filled with dirt. Purslane and almond soup, adapted from this green bean and almond soup, A Moroccan-style cooked salad Hang bundles on your front door to keep harmful people, like burglars, from entering. Around the same time, cheesemakers figured out that mint leaves sprinkled around cheese piles would keep the rats out of the storeroom. When hung over your door, a bundle of catnip attracts good luck. To adapt the heavy soil for planting purslane, you can add charcoal. The nuts typically begin dropping around mid- to late August, and have usually fallen completely within about three to four weeks. It can be burned or rubbed against objects to clear them of negative energies, or consumed as an elixir or tea to bring about healing. The process is slow-going, but rewarding in the end. Using clean garden shears, cut 6-inch-long stems from the plant and remove the foliage from the bottom half portion. Candy Buckeyes. Add a bit of stevia to sweeten it for drinking, or use the mint tea as a refreshing cleanser in the bath. Bamboo is easy to grow - sometimes to the point of invasiveness - so many people today grow and harvest it for magical use. Being vested with strong anti-inflammatory properties, purslane fights against osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and arthritic pain of osteoporosis. Pennyroyal is well known as a magical herb. grilled corn and a creamy avocado dressing, Now Reading: The Power of Intention by Wayne Dyer. Improves heart health 9. The greens have a slightly sour, refreshing taste with mild and spicy undertones, reminiscent of sorrel or spinach. In a mixborder, purslane is usually planted as a foreground plant, and in arid places as a curb plant. She is the author of Daily Spellbook for the Good Witch, Wicca Practical Magic and The Daily Spell Journal. It can also be used to appease river gods when going on a trip by boat or canoe. These aromatic and dense plants are packed full of essential oils, which are often extracted for use in a variety of religious rituals,aromatherapy, and even in medicine. This is a non-endangered species, and although it has a lighter concentration than the other varieties of sandalwood, its still very fragrant and is popular with many aromatherapists. Other Names: St. Joseph's Wort, Witches Herb, American DittanyGender: MasculineElement: FireDeity Connection: Mars, Krishna, Vishnu, Ares. Make a wish and write it on a sage leaf, and then hide it beneath your pillow -- if you dream about your wish over the next three nights, your wish will come true. and Try making a bar ofMoney Soapto wash your hands with, or use Pennyroyal tobrew up some Prosperity Oil. It can be added to Mystic Rites Incense to assist in the development of your higher spiritual forces. Because of its cleansing properties, you can dry some clover and burn it like you would sage or sweetgrass, as part of a smudging or purification ritual. Use the essential oil in blends that bring about love, protection, or other associated properties. Serve as a side salad with wild salmon, lobster, or crab, No-cook cucumber and purslane soup However, like all herbs, it has magical properties as well, so why not take advantage of these in your workings? American mandrake, or mayapple, can be found growing on many forest floors. But be sure to avoid purslane growing through streets or nearby sidewalks since it may be high in heavy metals. Allow the tea to steep outside in the sun until fully blended. Privacy Policy. Also known as Portulaca oleracea, this nutritious, edible weed has collected some colorful nicknames over the years, including: little hogweed, pigweed, and fatweed. It has been used in many parts of the world as an anti-bacterial agent, as well as to remove fever and other infectious symptoms. Some simple ways to use purslane: Add leaves to your salads or sandwiches for a juicy, lemony bite. For success at the gaming tables, or to bring money your way, carry a Buckeye in your pocket. Carry the petals with you to bring about luck and enhance nighttime magic. Other Names: Lammint, Brandy mintGender: MasculineElement: FirePlanetary Connection: Mercury. It is believed that the wordvioletis actually a diminutive ofViola, which is the Latinized variant of Io. The sap of the Osage orange can be used to create a yellow dye, which comes in handy if you like to dye your own fabrics. In particular, some of Japans early female poets, like Cho Koran, have sung its praises. In a flower garden, it can successfully replace faded Ornithogalum, Muscari, and other small-bulbous plants blooming from the beginning of spring. Around the time that Christianity began, hyssop was used in the ritual cleansing of lepers. As a nutritious vegetable, Purslane can be eaten in Magickal recipes. Every herb has its own unique characteristics, and these properties are what makes the plant special. And although the seeds remain similar for 2-3 years, it is better to sow them immediately next year. A collection of witchy tips & tricks for newbies, budget witches, urban witches, magick on-the-go and broom closet dwellers. Red clover in particular is good for you its known to be full of calcium, potassium, and other vital nutrients. He also recommends it in treatment of sexual disorders -- either excessive sexual desire or a decreased libido. Rosemary was often cultivated in kitchen gardens, and was said to represent the dominance of the lady of the house. Terms and Conditions So not only can we rely on Purslane to provide nourishment to us as one of the most nutritional plants on our planet, it may also be one of our most magical too. Chamomile is known as an herb of purification and protection, and can be used in incenses for sleep andmeditation. Frankincense is mentioned several times in the Old Testament as well asin the Talmud. In folk medicine, purslane is used as a wound healing, anti-inflammatory, and diuretic, it helps to relieve inflammation in the bladder, kidney and liver diseases, arthritis, eye diseases. The orange itself is not a true orange (or an apple, for that matter) but a large, sticky fruit that is completely inedible to anyone but the local squirrel population. Focus instead on purslanes taste and nutritional benefits. Purslane + vinegar Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. Incorporate oregano into your cooking and your magic at the same time, for a bit ofkitchen witchery. Portulaca is Latin, coming from portula, which means "gate," in reference to the gate-like covering of the seed capsule. Wigington, Patti. 1. How often can you use it: Purslane extract is safe to use up to twice a day, morning and night. With a lack of light, flowering may not start at all, the stem lengthens, the carpet loses its solidity. Purslane is used both for preparing salads and in vegetable dishes, gravies, and sauces for fish and meat dishes. As a member of the mint family, the most commonly used portions of the plant are the dried leaves and the essential oils, but some practitioners use the stems as well. It is widely eaten throughout Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. If you are fighting with a family member, try putting a sprig of valerian in each corner of your home. Other Names: YssopGender: MasculineElement: FireDeity Connection: Any deity invoked for protection or purification. Use hedge apples, or Osage oranges, to create a magical border around your personal space. The most popular varieties: Another name is dandur or flea plant, extremely unpretentious, among most summer residents it is notorious as a difficult-to-remove weed. Carry some dried clover in your wallet to bring financial gain your way, or keep it in your pocket when youre at a gaming table. Somehoodootraditions recommend wrapping a whole mandrake root in a dollar bill and carrying it in your pocket for financial fortune. In a few traditions, Pennyroyal isassociated with money magic. Dioscorides, the Greek physician, notes that it had medicinal properties, when its oil was extracted and used to treat spasms and disorders of the digestive system. When it comes to folklore, mandrake gets pretty interesting. Add to dal. In some traditions it's associated with money, while in others Pennyroyal is connected to strength and protection. He says that people leap across the smoke, "driving it towards the orchards and crops," as a method of protecting the year's harvest from damage. In Hindu rites, sandalwood paste is often used toconsecrate ritual toolsbefore ceremonies. The wild variety, which is actually considered a weed by many gardeners, is rampant and has pinkish stems (see picture above), while cultivated varieties tend to grow vertically and display greenish stems. When you come across a plant that is so outstanding, it makes you wonder how on earth it has been overlooked. To get a good night's sleep, with calming dreams, stuff a pillow with sprigs of lavender. InBack to Eden, Jethro Kloss recommends everyone "gather a bagful of camomile blossoms, as they are good for many ailments." The use of Lavender has been documented for thousands of years. Thats a pretty steep price - but dont worry, most of the sandalwood essential oil sold in the United States and Europe today actually comes from the Australian sandalwood. She goes on to say that the plant was rumored to grow under a hangmans gallows, and it was believed to be death to dig up the root, which was said to utter a shriek and terrible groans on being dug up, which none might hear and live. Fans of JK RowlingsHarry Potterbooks will recognize mandrake as the shrieking plants in Madame Sprouts greenhouses. 2. Purslane is a plant that is very convenient for use in landscape design. Clover tea is often brewed up for patients who have issues with digestive organs constipation, liver problems, and poor appetite have all been treated with clover. Nicholas Culpeper, was an English botanist, herbalist, physician and astrologer. It's also a symbol of the harvest, and is frequently found on altars duringMabon celebrations. summer crops. InHoodooand some forms of American folk magic, Pennyroyal is carried to ward off the "evil eye." Purslane is increasingly being recognized for its nutritional benefits as well as for its taste, which usually is described as lemony and peppery with a juicy, cucumber-like crunch. One commonly reporteduse was to havepurslane plants strewn around a bed. Use oregano in kitchen magic and for protection of the hearth and home. Many people find that it makes a perfect incense to use duringmeditation, energy work, or chakra exercises such asopening the third eye. Oxalates are a problem for people susceptible to kidney stones, and are possibly an aggravating factor in vulvodynia. Purslane requires frequent watering immediately after transplanting, during the period of active plant growth. Purslane comes from Brazil and Argentina, so the main condition for its normal development and abundant flowering is the sun, it is a very thermophilic and light-loving plant. Traditional medicinal uses for purslane are broad. Pickled purslane Common purslane is a prostrate, succulent annual that often forms a dense mat. He put Purslane under the rule of the moon because of its cooling properties- countering the damaging hot and negative aspect of Mars. He prescribed drinking purslane juice for a dry cough and applying it topically for fever and skin inflammations. 3.) Pomona was a Roman goddess of orchards, and is associated with abundance and bounty. In a few Neopagan traditions, the actual wood of the sandalwood isburned as incense- sometimes mixed with other woods or resins, such as myrrh or frankincense. 1. If you own a business, place a sprig over the door to draw in customers and prosperity. Frankincense has been used for thousands of years. Its important to note that there are two different types of mandrake; American and European mandrake are two similar but botanically unrelated plants. Certainly, this idea may be due in part to the notion that a few hundred years ago, illness was sometimes seen as evidence of demonic influence use the mandrake, get rid of the demon, the illness goes away. And know that you can grow it from seed in your garden or even in a window box. Learn Religions, Sep. 20, 2021, Wear it on your person to boost your self-esteem and courage, or carry a bunch of dried yarrow in your hand to stop fear. Purslane salad with quinoa, peas, and radishes Gender: MasculineElement: FirePlanetary Connection: Mars. Purslane + fish But due to the fact that new flowers on the purslane, under appropriate conditions, are formed constantly and very much, the decorativeness of the plant does not suffer from this. Magickal Uses: Love, Luck, Happiness, Protection, Sleep. In Renaissance-era Europe, hyssop was typically used as an air freshener in the same manner as we potpourri today. Steam briefly (2-5 min) and dress with olive oil and lemon juice The Sumerians used it as an antiseptic, and in Egypt, thyme was one of the herbs which was used in the mummification process. Around the eleventh century, Anglo-Saxon leeches recommend its use in battling menstrual cramps. Course: Appetizer, Salad. Today, it is sometimes found in alternative medicines as a remedy for asthma and coughs. An enthusiastic explorer of flavors and observer of culinary trends, she leads private walking tours in Paris, contributes to international food and travel magazines, and writes cookbooks and guidebooks. In ancient times it was looked upon as one of the anti-magic herbs. The stems vary in length, commonly up to 12 inches. Since purslane bloom occurs 2-2.5 months after germination, it is sown for seedlings in early March. In summer, reproduction can be carried out using cuttings all leaves, except for a few upper ones, are removed from a 5 cm long cutting and planted in prepared soil. Retrieved from Purslane spanakopita Can be used as an elixir or magickal tonic. In their book Herb Craft, authors Lavender and Franklin, claim purslane is supposed to work on the psychic senses and when taken regularly will help develop clairvoyant faculties. Purslane also know as "adwera" in Akan is one of the most common plant in our villages in Ghana and Africa and even most places in the world. In some traditions ofhoodooand folk magic, a dollar sign is inscribed on a piece of paper using patchouli oil. Nightshade, also known as Belladonna, is a plant found in much of central Europe, and it has been cultivated in North America and England, although its becoming increasingly harder to find in the British Isles. It is associated with the element of earth. This idea was lambasted by pretty much everyone, from the King to the Pope, all of whom said it was an awful plan. feta) Purslane's presence in our plot (forgive me for having a bit of alliterative fun here) has been a parable I've been parsing now for weeks. Practitioners ofsome forms of Stregheriabrew an oregano tea and then use it to wash down the outer walls of homes, forming a protective barrier against negative energy. It was used by the ancients in perfuming bathwater, and for strewing on the floors of temples and houses. Cinnamon Recipes: 263 Things To Do With It, Part I, Shiso Recipes: 43 Things To Do With Fresh Shiso. Add to salsa and salsa verde Oleracea is also Latin and means "kitchen vegetable." The Spanish name for purslane is verdolaga, while another English name for it is "pigweed." It spreads quickly. Take a square of plain muslin or cotton, and place a bundle of freshly picked violets in it. Purslanehas been used as a folk medicine for its medicinal properties for at least 2000 years but it was probably used as a vegetable and cultivated long before that. Dosage: Combine tinctured Purslane with an equal amount of tinctured Oregon Grape root. Herbalist Nicolas Culpeper offered the following description of the many uses of comfrey: A syrup made thereof is very effectual in inward hurts, and the distilled water for the same purpose also, and for outward wounds or sores in the fleshy or sinewy parts of the body, and to abate the fits of agues and to allay the sharpness of humours. Sir James George Frazerwrote inThe Golden Boughthat in Morocco, Pennyroyal and other aromatic herbs were burned in large quantities at midsummer. The word originates in Greece, whereorosandganoscombine to mean "mountain happiness." Simopoulos and N. Salem, Purslane: a terrestrial source of omega-3 fatty acids. New England Journal of Medicine, September 25, 1986, Exclusive Lifestyle, Nutrition & Health Advice. Beta-carotene is one of many antioxidants found in purslane. Like jade plant, purslane has oval, fleshy leaves. To bring about prophecy and divinatory success, make an incense of mugwort to burn at your workspace, or use it in smudge sticks around the area in which you are performing divination rituals. View the latest edition of the newsletter. Use left/right arrows to navigate the slideshow or swipe left/right if using a mobile device. Usually, when people use the word shamrock, theyre thinking of a three-leafed variety of white clover. In cultivated fields, leaves and stalks of purslane, which can be abundant in gardens, can be eaten raw or cooked. If you're working on a healing ritual for someone who is ill, consider burning dried yarrow asincense, or place a sachet of yarrow under the person's pillow to bring about restful sleep. The soil is well moistened with thawed (settled) water, the seeds are simply sown from above, after which the container is covered with a film (glass). Note: Pennyroyal can be toxic to pregnant women, and should not be used in any form if you are pregnant. By clicking "Subscribe," you agree to the Kava Kava - For visions, protection, and luck. But in the case of this powerhouse of a little weed its a humble and readily available plant. Flowering lasts only one day having blossomed in the morning, by the evening the flower dies off. Plant hyssop in pots outside your doorways, and keep negative energy from coming into the house. It was common to strew crushed hyssop leaves and flowers of around the house, particularly in sickrooms, to hide unpleasant smells - after all, daily bathing was hardly popular. Anywandor staff made from it is bound to last you a good long time, and can be used in spells associated with endurance, strength and longevity. 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